The Best Advice I can Give
Simple Advice for People Living with CRPS 
From all my experience of living, managing and recovering from CRPS this is the best advice I could give to anyone:
1) Avoid Flare ups!
But don't beat yourself up if you have one.
2) Listen to your body.
This the key to pacing successfully.
3) Don't under estimate the power of Relaxation and Meditation.
4) Adapt and Carry on!
Don't let CRPS stop you doing things, just learn to do things differently, for now!
5) You will have bad days, that's ok.
Think about why, have a cry and a rest, then use this as the new starting place and start moving forward again.
6) Acceptance.
Accept the situation, no matter how difficult that is when you are in a really, really tough place.
Suffering = Pain + Resistance.
Take away some of the resisitance and the suffering reduces. I didn't start getting better until I stopped fighting the situation and started to accept that it was going to take time!