Helping bring Hope and Support to people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and other chronic pain conditions


My own experience of being diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), and of learning to live with and overcome the condition, has led me to set up the CRPS Hope Foundation. The CRPS Hope Foundation is a small organisation which aims to provide a network of physiological and psychological support, enabling people living with CRPS to access assistance, and work towards overcoming this and other debilitating condition. 


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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, referred to as CRPS, is a condition that is poorly understood and often difficult to diagnose. Its main feature is a persistent burning pain in a limb, which remains after an injury is healed. The intensity and persistency of the pain can lead to changes within the brain, whereby the painful limb feels detached, altering the blood flow and how the limb is perceived by the sufferer. It is most commonly found in the hand and wrist, foot and ankle, or the knee, although it can found in all parts of the body. The intensity of the pain is debilitating and often life changing. Although there is currently no known cure, treatment is based around physical rehabilitation therapies and pain-relieving medication. Full recovery is possible! 

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Through the experiences of struggling with CRPS for the majority of my twenties and managing ongoing flare ups into my late thirties, I have learnt so much and surpise myself when each challenge inspires new personal and spiritual growth. I hope I can share these experiences with other sufferers in order to make living with CRPS a little easier, even at the hardest times. Above all I aim to insprire hope that recovery and living a pain free life is possible, despite what a doctor or health professional may have told you, it is possible to get better! This website is just the start of the CRPS Hope Foundation, which I hope will grow into a place that brings people in similar predicaments together, that offers support to individuals, and brings a smile to many faces.


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The CRPS Hope Foundation is a non-profit, purely designed to help people with CRPS and others suffering from chronic pain condition; to show that it is possible to get better, and that remaining positive and working hard towards recovery can have staggering results!              



If you have chronic pain or CRPS and think we could help you please contact us on:

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If you like this page then please share it on facebook, twitter and with friends and family. Help spread the word to reach more people with CRPS!!

Maybe you are in a position where you may be able to help others who have this debilitating condition. If you have a story to tell, some positive advice for others, something you have found useful then please get in touch! I maybe able to add it to the website!

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